4 Smart Hacks to Clean Sticky Office Kitchen Floor Tiles Like a Pro

Kitchen is one of the most high-traffic areas in an office and being a business owner; it's your responsibility to keep your commercial premises clean and sanitised. With regular use and foot-traffic, kitchen floor tiles become vulnerable to stains, oil, grease and dirt. Greased kitchen tiles not only look unsightly but demeans the aesthetic value of your place.
So how can you make office kitchen tiles sparkle and last for decades? Here are a few easiest hacks for you...

  • Vacuum Your Tiled Floor Regularly

The easiest way to make your office kitchen tiles shine is vacuuming after every use. Vacuuming absorbs dirt and dust particles not just from your tiled floors but from grouts too. Once the sweeping is done, you can opt for a thorough vacuuming of the floors by experts offering commercial cleaning in Werribee South to remove dirt and grime remains, if any. However, make sure you apply water on your kitchen tiles before vacuuming to execute the task properly.

  • Use Baking Soda to Remove Sticky Stains or Grease

Baking soda is known to be an excellent bleaching agent that can remove sticky stains and grease from your kitchen tiles, leaving a lint-free shine to your premises. All you need to do is take a pinch of baking soda, sprinkle it over sponge and then scrub it gently over your tiles. Put some extra effort if the stains are too sticky or hard to remove. Sponge the area gently and you can experience outstanding results instantly.

  • White Vinegar Removes Musty Odour from Kitchen Tiles

Lack of regular upkeep of kitchen floors by professionals offering commercial cleaning in Eynesbury gives off musty odour and make your kitchen stink. Regular food spills on kitchen tiles generate bad smell which turns out to be extremely frustrating, especially when you have stakeholders or clients visiting your office for the first time. White vinegar is a strong cleaning agent that can eradicate bad odour as well as grease and keep your tiles in good health for a long time.

Hire Professional Tile & Grout Cleaners for Guaranteed Results

Kitchen cleaning is a time-consuming and arduous task and for working professionals, it turns out to be no less than a nightmare. For business owners who consider commercial cleaning by local people often ends up with a mess. Therefore, it's always wise to hire professional tile cleaners who have years of experience dealing with regular kitchen chores and can perform the task in a safe and efficient manner.

Your office premises represents the face of your business. Kitchen is one of the most important areas in an office you can't avoid cleaning. If you want your business, succeed in every way, opt for kitchen cleaning by vetted professionals and enjoy peace of mind!


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