How High Pressure Cleaning Prepares Your House for a Paint Job

If you are going to repaint your house, you should know the importance of cleaning the surface of the house for a new coat of paint. You can have the best colour in the world, hire the best professional out there, but if your painting surface is dirty and has chipped paint clinging to the wall, chances are the new paint job will not last over a year. That is why you should always apply pressure washing to the outer walls to prepare them for a new paint job. Why You Need a Clean Painting Surface Exterior walls not only accumulate dust and dirt over the years but are also prone to damage by environmental contaminants such as algae, sand and pollens. If you leave these surfaces before you stain them with a fresh coat of paint, the paint will stick to the dirt and not to the surface beneath. Your paint job will be a devastating failure if you fail to take care of the dirt problem. The paint is usually applied to the dirty surface, and if you find paint chips getting peeled o...